Congratulations To NEPTA Nominees Solarek, Vandermark and Beppler

Cineverus would like to congratulate three of our cast members for their nominations in this year’s Northteast Pennsylvania Theater Alliance Awards.

First up is Tim Solarek, who received two nominations in the Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy for his work in productions of I Hate Hamlet and Brighton Beach Memoirs. Tim is the male lead in our upcoming short The Injured Digit.

John “Bepp” Beppler is nominated in the Best Lead Actor in a Comedy for the production of Almost, Maine, while Joyce Vandermark is nominate d for co-directing Sherlock Holmes and the Scarlet Avenger. Both Beppler and Joyce can be seen in our upcoming short The Test.

Best of luck to all three when the awards are handed out on June 7. We are so honored to work with you!

Cineverus’s Natasha Bogutzki Interviewed About Stephen King Dollar Baby Film

Natasha BogutzkiWhen not working on her own film projects, Cineverus’s Natasha Bogutski works with a number of other regional filmmakers on their own projects. Recently she collaborated with writer/director A. J. Gribble on Cain Rose Up, an adaption of the Stephen King short story. The film was made possible through King’s “Dollar Baby” program where student filmmakers can option his short stories for just a dollar. The program has proved to be very popular and has spawned a student filmmaker community that supports each other. Here is an interview with Natasha talking about the experience.

Cameras Roll On THE TEST

While our first project, THE INJURED DIGIT, makes its way through editing and post-production, we’re starting shooting on our next project, the short film THE TEST. Director Natasha Bogutzki will be doing double duty in front of the camera as well as playing co-lead Lucy alongside Tyler Kuchar. Producer Rich Drees is the writer behind this one and they are joined by director of photography Jonathan Edwards, gaffer Jared Sokirka, sound man Nick Blockus and clapper/loader Paulette Edwards.

And that’s a wrap!!

Last night saw the filming of the final scenes for THE INJURED DIGIT. Writer/director Natasha Bogutzki and producer Rich Drees want to thank everyone who contributed time and talent to help bring this story to life. Stay tuned as there will be more exciting news as we move into post-production!

Back row: Tim Solarek (Caleb), Rachel Orehotsky (Eris), Joe DeMuro (Sound)
Front row: Rich Drees (Producer), Natasha Bogutzki (Writer/Director), Jeff Fowler (Cinematographer)